The 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge Review

The 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge is a training program created by Legendary Marketer. They are a company that creates products and services to help people build their own online business.

The company was founded by Dave Sharpe, who has himself sold more than $250 million worth of products and services online.

The aim of the Challenge is to show you how to create your own high ticket affiliate business. The reason why high ticket is recommended is because it allows you to get more money per sale you make. This allows you to build your business faster, as you’re potentially being paid hundreds or even thousands of dollars per sale.

When you compare that with affiliate networks such as ClickBank or JVZoo, products sold on those platforms may only earn you $10-$20 per sale.

Therefore, you need to make a lot of sales each month, if you want to build a full-time income online when selling low ticket items.

Which is what makes the 15 Day Online Challenge different.

Here’s What Is Revealed On Each Of The 15 Days

Day 1 – This is introduction day. Dave will walk you through the various aspects you need to build your own high ticket business. There’s around an hours worth of training to watch today, so be sure to take notes as you go through what he shares.

It’s also possible to connect with your own personal Advisor today too. There are provided free for you and will help you with support and answer any questions you may have as you progress through the course.

Day 2 – You’re going to be introduced to the main 4 core models you can follow to create your high ticket business today. You can choose to follow any number of these cores but the affiliate model is probably the best one to begin with.

Day 3 – This day will probably open your eyes to just how simple it is to get started making money online. You get to watch Dave literally run through all the steps you need in just 30 minutes. Nothing held back, you see every click and step to take.

Day 4 – This day is about learning to master your money. This is just as important as actually making money, you need to learn how to best use it once you have it. There are some great tips you’ll learn today.

Day 5 – Today is one of the biggest days of the Challenge. You’ll be shown how to develop your own business plan today. You’ll see how to set realistic goals and also how to make sure you reach them. All the bonuses are provided today too, so you’ll get to see all the actual templates and various scripts to help you on your way.

Day 6 – There has been a lot of information shared so far. So today, Dave answers some of the frequently asked questions that people have asked. You’ll almost certainly have some of these same questions, so it’s a great day to get things clear in your mind.

Day 7 – This is another eye opening and potentially life changing day. Dave talks openly and honestly about when to go full-time in your online business. So if you currently have a job, then this might get you excited about when would be a good time to make the move to working full-time online instead.

Day 8 – Today you’re going to be shown the actual skills you need to build a high income business. There are only a handful but you need to master them to become unstoppable in your quest for financial freedom.

Day 9 – Lead generation is what you’ll learn today. This is one of those skills that were mentioned yesterday. You’ll discover why leads are so crucial and also how to start generating them the right way.

Day 10 – Today is all about copywriting and why it’s so important in many aspects of your new business. Being able to get your message across via text, can add huge amounts of income to your bottom line. Dave will show you how to do just that in this training.

Day 11 – If you want to make money, then you need to learn how to sell. No, you don’t need to be a sleazy salesman. There are effective ways to actually get people to want to pay you money. You’ll also be taught how to present too, which is great if you want to use video marketing in your business.

Day 12 – Whilst you can do many tasks yourself to get you started, outsourcing is recommended as soon as you possibly can. And you’ll discover how best to do that today. Outsourcing allows you to scale your business faster and gives you more time to focus on more important parts to grow and expand.

Day 13 – If funds are an issue for you, then this will be a good day for you to pay attention to. You’ll get to see how to use other people’s money to grow your business. There are many options shared today and you should find one that will work for you if you need it.

Day 14 – Dave shares how to have the right mindset and positioning to build a successful business today. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is also discussed and why you should read it if you haven’t already.

Day 15 – If you make it this far, your head will be filled with so much information and you’ll be fired up to get going. So you’ll learn how to make that very first sale that will give you the confidence and belief to push forward.

Exclusive Bonuses

When you sign up to the 15 Day Online Business Challenge, you also receive exclusive bonuses too, many of these are delivered on Day 5. They include:

Bonus 1 – Your Business Plan

Every business needs to have a plan of action. This business plan provides you with how to properly create your own plan for maximum success.

Bonus 2 – Facebook Ad Templates

Facebook ads can be hugely profitable when you get them right. These templates will help you to do just that. They are tested and give you a great base to begin.

Bonus 3 – Email Templates

These templates are also tested and perfect for you to model. If you have no experience writing emails, then they give you a huge shortcut.

Bonus 4 – Video Scripts

Creating videos can be daunting for some, as they don’t know what to say. But these scripts give you the framework to eliminate all that doubt and make you a pro on camera.

Bonus 5 – Phone Scripts

Knowing what to say on the phone or online calls is also important. If you choose to sell via this method then these scripts will help you to do that with ease.

Bonus 6 – Personal Help

As mentioned above, when you go through the Business Builder Challenge, you get to have your own personal advisor to talk to. The purpose of them is to answer your questions and guide you on the right path. They are provided completely free, just to help you get started.

Who Is It Aimed At?

The Legendary Marketing training is primarily aimed at beginner and intermediate marketers who want to start and grow their own online businesses.

It is a very well put together training program that teaches people the fundamentals of affiliate marketing, especially high ticket affiliate marketing, but also helps them to EARN while they learn.

A lot of people try to get started online without having any clear plan of what they want to do. They know they want to make money online… but that’s about it.

The whole point of the Challenge is to teach you the core fundamentals you need to succeed with ANY online business. It gives you the foundation you need to get started in the right way.

You get 15 days of training on how to start your online business. Every day you get new videos and training, including questionnaires and work sheets to fill out. This way you are held accountable, and the way it is structured means you will be much more likely to learn, follow through the training and put it into action.

You even get access to your own personal coach to help and guide you along the process.

That you get all this for $7 is incredible.

What Are You Waiting For?

The 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge has been a genuine life changing course for so many people.

Here is what just a few of them are saying:

The price to get started right now is just $7, which when you look at everything you receive above, is an insane value.

You get 15 solid days of training, you get your own business plan, all the tools and templates to jump start your business, your own personal advisor and training from someone who has sold over $250 million online.

It’s time to make that decision and build yourself a wildly successful high ticket online business, starting right now.

Start An Online Business That Earns High Ticket Commissions Promoting Valuable Products People Already Want To Buy – Take The 15 Day Online Business Builder Challenge Now!

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